Aminet 21
Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso
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Text File
204 lines
Short: Manager for ya animframes, bugfix (MUI)
Author: e9525802@student.tuwien.ac.at (Michael Praschl)
Uploader: e9525802@student.tuwien.ac.at (Michael Praschl)
Version: ProRen V2.01
Type: gfx/misc
Requires: Workbench V39+, MUI3.8
ProRen is able to rename multiple frames of an animation. Let's say
you have the files:
Frame.001 Anim.001
Pic.2. Anim.002
Data.0003 Anim.003
You can easily rename them as
Pic.01 Anim.000
Pic.02 Anim.001
Pic.03 Anim.002
The sourcefiles do not have to have an index, but they may have an
additional extension ("Pic.003.jpg").
Ok, you can do this by hand, but if you want to rename about 500 files
(animation-frames) you can do this in some seconds.
TOP: you can undo all changes by pressing the undobutton
· uses MUI
· therefore has an easy-to-use GUI
· renames up to 1 000 000 files in one go
· you may use Filenames that have extensions (*.jpeg) behind the index.
· is faster than you
· automatic TURBOMODE, up to 2x faster
· automatised error-handling
· all changes can be undone
· you can cancel each action at any time (undo nevertheless possible)
· arexxport with many commands
· view pictures with external viewer
· LOCALISED (+ german catalog)
· german documentation available
· documentation in HTML format
Special requirements
MUI 3.8
ProRen is shareware, free registration for translations, see the docs!
Copyright © 1996,1997 by Michael Praschl
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1238 767 38.0% 11-Jul-97 10:32:22 ProRen.info
18 18 0.0% 08-Jul-97 10:37:30 +.arexx
7755 3482 55.0% 08-Jul-97 09:54:36 +deutsch.ct
3858 1940 49.7% 11-Jul-97 10:37:54 +proren.catalog
5257 2238 57.4% 08-Jul-97 09:54:32 +ProRen.cd
1233 816 33.8% 09-Jul-97 14:30:12 +Docs.info
148 114 22.9% 03-Jul-97 17:21:10 +about.html
189 145 23.2% 04-Jul-97 11:37:12 +aboutmui.html
5560 1794 67.7% 11-Jul-97 10:18:36 +arexx.html
564 326 42.1% 03-Jul-97 17:27:20 +arexxscript.html
531 308 41.9% 04-Jul-97 12:37:14 +author.html
463 277 40.1% 04-Jul-97 09:25:42 +basenamegadget.html
539 337 37.4% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +bugreports.html
325 188 42.1% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +cancelsetgadget.html
318 188 40.8% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +clearcomments.html
282 167 40.7% 04-Jul-97 12:28:04 +copyright.html
1121 528 52.8% 04-Jul-97 10:22:44 +digitsgadget.html
387 227 41.3% 03-Jul-97 17:21:10 +directorygadget.html
1734 760 56.1% 13-Jul-97 11:03:14 +Documentation.html
2068 1234 40.3% 09-Jul-97 13:14:22 +Documentation.info
1682 779 53.6% 04-Jul-97 10:52:04 +errmodegadget.html
485 292 39.7% 04-Jul-97 10:47:12 +errnamegadget.html
213 152 28.6% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +executescript.html
617 363 41.1% 04-Jul-97 09:26:32 +extensionnamegadget.html
782 455 41.8% 04-Jul-97 12:26:04 +features.html
1019 535 47.4% 04-Jul-97 09:57:28 +filelistgadget.html
1904 844 55.6% 04-Jul-97 10:35:06 +gapmodegadget.html
1663 1663 0.0% 03-Jul-97 11:19:42 +menu.gif
858 858 0.0% 03-Jul-97 14:28:30 +popup.gif
2384 2384 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:25:22 +prefserr.gif
2675 2675 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:25:22 +prefsgen.gif
2889 2889 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:25:22 +prefsmsc.gif
5047 5047 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:25:22 +prmain.gif
168 130 22.6% 13-Jul-97 11:06:40 +history.html
857 444 48.1% 04-Jul-97 09:41:54 +indexgadget.html
196 143 27.0% 03-Jul-97 17:21:10 +installation.html
2903 1323 54.4% 03-Jul-97 23:45:44 +introduction.html
1362 482 64.6% 04-Jul-97 09:05:46 +mainwindow.html
1667 588 64.7% 04-Jul-97 11:30:48 +menus.html
195 147 24.6% 03-Jul-97 17:31:32 +muiprefs.html
146 112 23.2% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +parent.html
592 324 45.2% 04-Jul-97 09:47:44 +patterngadget.html
890 391 56.0% 04-Jul-97 09:13:12 +prefserror.html
975 406 58.3% 04-Jul-97 09:12:38 +prefsgeneral.html
1152 438 61.9% 04-Jul-97 09:14:30 +prefsmisc.html
196 144 26.5% 03-Jul-97 17:21:12 +quit.html
1180 631 46.5% 09-Jul-97 14:27:58 +register.html
565 363 35.7% 03-Jul-97 17:32:34 +requirements.html
288 182 36.8% 04-Jul-97 11:03:28 +savesettings.html
386 258 33.1% 03-Jul-97 17:21:12 +searchindex.html
272 181 33.4% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +searchsign.html
135 103 23.7% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +selectall.html
232 150 35.3% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +selectinvert.html
138 105 23.9% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +selectnone.html
926 501 45.8% 03-Jul-97 23:33:46 +shareware.html
1794 837 53.3% 03-Jul-97 17:33:56 +startgadget.html
842 461 45.2% 04-Jul-97 10:20:02 +tempnamegadget.html
561 297 47.0% 04-Jul-97 12:34:00 +thanks.html
248 177 28.6% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +todo.html
674 378 43.9% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +turbomode.html
625 353 43.5% 03-Jul-97 17:21:12 +undoactivegadget.html
1657 838 49.4% 04-Jul-97 10:07:48 +undogadget.html
344 230 33.1% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +updates.html
148 110 25.6% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +usesetgadget.html
392 255 34.9% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +viewer.html
236 159 32.6% 03-Jul-97 17:21:16 +viewerselect.html
234 170 27.3% 03-Jul-97 17:35:42 +volumegadget.html
1318 685 48.0% 03-Jul-97 17:21:14 +warranty.html
121 95 21.4% 04-Jul-97 11:38:16 +about.html
187 145 22.4% 04-Jul-97 11:37:00 +aboutmui.html
4792 1547 67.7% 11-Jul-97 10:24:44 +arexx.html
556 303 45.5% 04-Jul-97 11:42:40 +arexxscript.html
528 313 40.7% 04-Jul-97 12:37:38 +author.html
399 228 42.8% 04-Jul-97 12:40:04 +basenamegadget.html
432 272 37.0% 04-Jul-97 12:30:26 +bugreports.html
204 132 35.2% 04-Jul-97 11:05:08 +cancelsetgadget.html
185 124 32.9% 04-Jul-97 10:12:46 +clearcomments.html
292 173 40.7% 04-Jul-97 12:29:18 +copyright.html
958 450 53.0% 04-Jul-97 10:26:02 +digitsgadget.html
301 177 41.1% 04-Jul-97 09:44:54 +directorygadget.html
1682 700 58.3% 13-Jul-97 11:05:32 +Documentation.html
2068 1232 40.4% 09-Jul-97 13:14:10 +Documentation.info
1448 661 54.3% 04-Jul-97 10:52:36 +errmodegadget.html
428 259 39.4% 04-Jul-97 10:47:06 +errnamegadget.html
159 118 25.7% 04-Jul-97 10:14:00 +executescript.html
523 312 40.3% 04-Jul-97 12:42:12 +extensionnamegadget.html
645 394 38.9% 04-Jul-97 12:26:24 +features.html
808 437 45.9% 04-Jul-97 12:42:48 +filelistgadget.html
1666 747 55.1% 04-Jul-97 12:44:56 +gapmodegadget.html
1555 1555 0.0% 04-Jul-97 11:18:54 +menu.gif
693 693 0.0% 04-Jul-97 11:24:02 +popup.gif
2170 2170 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:28:00 +prefserr.gif
2489 2489 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:28:00 +prefsgen.gif
2603 2603 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:28:00 +prefsmsc.gif
5008 5008 0.0% 03-Jul-97 12:28:00 +prmain.gif
162 128 20.9% 13-Jul-97 11:05:12 +history.html
565 313 44.6% 04-Jul-97 09:43:56 +indexgadget.html
167 125 25.1% 03-Jul-97 23:57:38 +installation.html
2162 1012 53.1% 03-Jul-97 23:53:32 +introduction.html
1349 462 65.7% 04-Jul-97 09:09:00 +mainwindow.html
1630 552 66.1% 04-Jul-97 11:35:02 +menus.html
168 131 22.0% 04-Jul-97 11:45:02 +muiprefs.html
124 93 25.0% 04-Jul-97 11:45:46 +parent.html
494 275 44.3% 04-Jul-97 09:47:20 +patterngadget.html
876 385 56.0% 04-Jul-97 09:13:54 +prefserror.html
955 400 58.1% 04-Jul-97 09:12:16 +prefsgeneral.html
1131 434 61.6% 04-Jul-97 09:16:58 +prefsmisc.html
155 114 26.4% 04-Jul-97 10:15:06 +quit.html
988 532 46.1% 09-Jul-97 14:28:14 +register.html
504 317 37.1% 04-Jul-97 00:02:40 +requirements.html
267 175 34.4% 04-Jul-97 11:04:04 +savesettings.html
359 233 35.0% 04-Jul-97 10:57:14 +searchindex.html
245 164 33.0% 04-Jul-97 11:00:12 +searchsign.html
126 95 24.6% 04-Jul-97 11:46:08 +selectall.html
179 125 30.1% 04-Jul-97 11:46:16 +selectinvert.html
129 97 24.8% 04-Jul-97 11:46:24 +selectnone.html
801 424 47.0% 03-Jul-97 23:35:32 +shareware.html
1430 688 51.8% 04-Jul-97 10:06:54 +startgadget.html
535 304 43.1% 04-Jul-97 10:20:12 +tempnamegadget.html
509 278 45.3% 04-Jul-97 12:34:24 +thanks.html
259 183 29.3% 04-Jul-97 12:27:02 +todo.html
612 338 44.7% 04-Jul-97 12:43:24 +turbomode.html
530 299 43.5% 04-Jul-97 10:58:12 +undoactivegadget.html
1240 640 48.3% 04-Jul-97 10:11:18 +undogadget.html
349 228 34.6% 04-Jul-97 12:31:56 +updates.html
114 81 28.9% 04-Jul-97 11:04:50 +usesetgadget.html
283 190 32.8% 04-Jul-97 11:01:02 +viewer.html
165 119 27.8% 04-Jul-97 11:02:12 +viewerselect.html
200 141 29.5% 04-Jul-97 10:00:24 +volumegadget.html
451 269 40.3% 03-Jul-97 23:40:44 +warranty.html
320 256 20.0% 30-May-97 13:17:18 +arexx.br
320 236 26.2% 30-May-97 13:17:18 +prefs.br
320 231 27.8% 02-Jun-97 12:25:32 +rubber.br
320 193 39.6% 30-May-97 13:17:18 +start.br
320 238 25.6% 30-May-97 13:17:18 +undo.br
320 218 31.8% 30-May-97 13:17:18 +warn.br
3959 1085 72.5% 12-Jul-97 13:40:48 +Install_deutsch
1714 970 43.4% 08-Jul-97 10:26:06 +Install_deutsch.info
4103 1217 70.3% 12-Jul-97 13:40:16 +Install_english
1714 970 43.4% 08-Jul-97 10:26:06 +Install_english.info
50272 17640 64.9% 13-Jul-97 10:59:56 +ProRen
1672 917 45.1% 08-Jul-97 10:26:06 +ProRen.info
1533 831 45.7% 13-Jul-97 11:01:46 +Readme
1542 622 59.6% 08-Jul-97 10:26:06 +ReadMe.info
12924 4726 63.4% 09-Jul-97 20:03:06 +Register
1449 692 52.2% 08-Jul-97 10:26:06 +Register.info
380 214 43.6% 08-Jul-97 09:55:52 +reverse.rexx
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
216595 112223 48.1% 14-Jul-97 16:27:42 147 files